
I, the signatory, hereby acknowledge and understand the rules of participating in this event. In consideration of the acceptance of my entry, I for myself, my executors, heirs, administrators and assigns do hereby release and discharge the event organisers, and their partners, all sponsors and brands associated with the event, all landowners over whose land the event traverses in any way, all volunteer groups, and all local authorities, including all employees of the aforesaid, from all claims for death, injuries, illness, damages or property loss I and/or anybody accompanying me may suffer howsoever caused, including but not limited to the negligent actions and/or omissions of any of them and arising out of my participation in this event, including pre- and post-race activities.

I am aware of the risks and potential hazards involved in running a race of this nature and will participate completely at my own risk. I will adhere to the rules of the event and the safety measures the organisers deem to be necessary.

I acknowledge that the event organisers have the right to alter the course of the event in any way or even cancel it should they determine that the runner’s safety is compromised, or for any reason they deem appropriate.

I confirm am physically fit and sufficiently trained to participate in this endurance event and assume all risks of such participation. I do not have any current heart ailments, or history of such. I specifically direct that should evacuation from the route be required, and/or should any emergency medical services or treatment me required, such rescue service and/or medical costs incurred, if any, will be for the account of the participant.

Please also refer to our Legal page for conditions of entry, indemnity, terms and conditions, as well as the transfers, refunds and cancellation policy.


I accordingly hereby indemnify and hold harmless the parties to the fullest extent possible in law, against any claims occasioned as a result of my participation in the event of whatsoever nature or howsoever caused, including, without limitation, any loss, injury, harm, illness, death or damage of whatsoever nature and howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly out of any act or omission, including negligent acts or negligent omissions by the parties, including any claim for consequential loss or damage, loss of profits or any claim by any of my dependents arising from events related to, in connection with or occasioned as a result of my participation in the event.

I confirm that I understand the importance and meaning of this liability disclaimer, the waiver of claims and the indemnity and, that by agreeing hereto, I am waiving substantial legal rights (on my own behalf and on behalf of my dependents). I acknowledge that I have been free to secure independent legal and/or other advice as to the nature and effect of all the provisions of this liability disclaimer, waiver and indemnity and that I have either taken such independent legal and/or other advice, or dispensed with the necessity of doing so. I acknowledge and confirm that I understood the event’s Rules and Regulations and this Disclaimer and I accept the terms contained therein.

Kids Terms AND Conditions

I consent as the parent/guardian of the child being entered:

1.  That the child’s general health is good and that there is nothing which renders him/her unfit to participate in the Fedgroup Cradle 100 Event.

2.  I understand and voluntarily assume the risks and dangers involved to which he/she could be subjected and hereby indemnify Fedgroup Cradle 100, the event sponsors, partners, suppliers, the persons assisting in the organisation of the event from and against any actions, claims and/or liability for injury, death, loss or damage of any kind resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from participation in the Fedgroup Cradle 100  Event.

3.  I, together with my heirs, executors and administrators release Fedgroup Cradle 100, event sponsors, partners, suppliers and the persons assisting in the organisation of the event from any duty or care towards my child and from liability from any claims that could accrue to my child, executors and administrators arising out of his/her participation or any related activities in the Fedgroup Cradle 100  event.

4.  I allow the Fedgroup Cradle 100 team, event sponsors, partners, suppliers and the persons assisting in the organisation of the event the irrevocable right to use and publish photographs of my child partaking in the Fedgroup Cradle 100  EVENT which may be included, for editorial, trade, advertising, educational and any other purpose and in any manner and medium; to alter the same without restriction; and to copyright the same without restriction.

5.  I acknowledge that I am aware of all dates and conditions.



I confirm that I am the parent and/or legal guardian of the participating minor. I confirm that I have read and understood the Disclaimer that is required to be accepted by all participants entering Fedgroup Cradle 100, and I confirm that I agree to the Disclaimer and accept the Terms and Conditions therein on behalf of said minor. I confirm that I consent to entering and participating in the Fedgroup Cradle 100 and assume all risk and responsibility therefore, understanding the inherent risk involved in such an event, and I absolve the race organisers of all responsibility in this regard.



The Fedgroup Cradle 100  event has a cancellation policy pertaining to refunds. Full payment is required on entry. An entry is only confirmed on full payment of the entry fee.

  • No refunds will be allowed, however, participants can defer entries to a new event.
  • Substitutions will be allowed until race day 12/04/2025 at registration points. Online substitutions are available until midnight on 04/04/2025. No substitutions will be allowed after the race date 12/04/2025.
  • Entries for Fedgroup Cradle 100 event will close at midnight on 04/04/2025, or when in the Race Organiser’s discretion, capacity has been reached.